Biological recycling at scale

Meet your circularity commitments with our Biopure™ technology.

Protein Evolution x Stella McCartney: A new era of infinite fashion

In 2023, Protein Evolution became the first U.S. company to successfully use its Biopure™ biological recycling technology to produce a new item of clothing made entirely out of fibers derived from polyester waste.

a group of spools of thread
a machine with white threads
a white fabric with a pattern

Stella McCartney collaborated with Protein Evolution to trailblaze the future of sustainable fashion, exploring how these 100% recycled fibers could be used to produce new clothing, footwear, and other infinitely recyclable products.

a photo of a person's dress

Find out how Biopure™ will get you closer to net zero

With Biopure™, polyester manufacturers can swap petroleum-derived polyester precursors with waste-derived polyester precursors — creating completely circular polyester without sacrificing quality.

License BiopureTM
a machine with a lot of rolls of yarn